You can Make a Difference
Thank you for your support of Bridges Hospice.
Your monetary donation, of any size, is important to our mission. Although we are not a non-profit organization, we still accept donations and use these to benefit our patients. The Bridges Hospice PPG program is funded solely by donations and by purchases made through our Bridges Hospice store.
If you would like to help make a positive impact on a patients life, please use the donate button below.

*NOTE: While contributions to our patients and the programs we support and administer to assist our patients are greatly appreciated, contributions to Bridges Hospice, Inc. or any of the funds used to support programs for patients are not tax deductible. Bridges Hospice, Inc. is not a charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code Sec. 501(c)3, or any other section of the tax law. Always consult a tax advisor before making any contribution assumed to be a tax deductible donation.