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Join our compassionate team of volunteers!

Volunteer opportunities at Bridges Hospice are endless when it comes to the many ways you can help to improve our patients’ quality of life. The Bridges Hospice volunteers participate in a wide variety of roles. Some interact directly with patients and families, participate in pet therapy , provide vigil support during the final hours of life, and bereavement support while others assist behind the scenes as an office or organizational volunteer. As a volunteer, you are able to decide which role best suites you.


Direct patient care volunteers are an integral part of the hospice team. They offer support and companionship for the patients and their families.

This can be achieved by providing a listening ear, assisting with hobbies, reading to the patient or sitting with the patient for caregiver relief.

Pet therapy volunteers are a great way to provide patients with unconditional love which can reduce feelings of loneliness. Pet therapy is known to improve a patient's social, emotional, and cognitive functioning. If you have a well behaved pet that you think would enjoy volunteering with you, please consider joining our team!


Office and Organizational volunteers do not work directly with the patients but provide support to the administrative staff by making phone calls to patient families, assisting with mailings, or even helping to build memories for birthdays or holidays.


Bereavement volunteers provide compassion and support to families and loved ones following a death of the patient. These volunteers may make phone calls or in person visits as well as assist the bereavement counselor with support groups.


As a vigil volunteer you are at the bed side of patients in their last hours of life. Vigil volunteers bring relief to the patients and families in many ways. For example, they may sit with patients whose family can't be present or provide a break for family members so they may grab a bite to eat or shower. Most importantly, they help provide support and comfort by ensuring patients are not alone.   


All volunteers are provided with training and support. Each assignment is personalized to the volunteer's interests and skills. 


Make a difference in someone’s life and become a Bridges Hospice Volunteer today!

Bridges Hospice is privileged to provide care to America's most renowned female automotive mechanic, Lucille Treganowan. Tayler Evans, Bridge's Volunteer Coordinator, had the honor of sitting down with Lucille to learn how she became the world famous "Ace Mechanic".  Thank you, Lucille,  for sharing your incredible journey with us. 

©2019 by Bridges Hospice, Inc 


4130 Monroeville Blvd. Monroeville, PA 15146

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